North Lauderdale Mortgage Closing Cost Calculator

  • Home price
  • Down payment
    • $
    • %
Mortgage terms
  • Mortgage period (years)
  • Interest rate
  • Property tax (annual)
  • Home insurance (annual)
  • Condo / HOA fees (monthly)
  • Mortgage insurance (monthly)
Per month
Principal & interest
Property tax
Home insurance
HOA fees
Mortgage insurance
Total approximate funds needed to close
The approximate loan cost illustration below does not constitute and is not a substitute for the loan
estimate of closing costs (LE) that you will receive once you apply for a loan.
Approximate cost of closing fees
  • Underwriting fee
  • Processing fee
  • Origination fee
  • Credit report
  • Appraisal
  • Flood life of loan fee
  • Tax service fee
Title fees and taxes
  • Lender's title insurance policy
  • Owner's title insurance policy
  • Closing / Escrow / Settlement
  • Recording fee — MRTG / DOT
  • Recording fee — releases
  • State tax / Stamps — (MRTG / DOT)
  • Intangible tax
  • Survey
  • Approx. cost of closing fees
Prepaid interest and escrow / reserves
  • Interest — estimated
    per day
  • Real estate tax escrow
  • Insurance escrow
  • Total
  • Deposit or earnest money
  • Secondary financing amount
  • Costs paid by: seller / lender / 3rd party
  • Total
Down payment
Approximate cost
of closing fees
Prepaid interest
and escrow / reserves
Total adjustments
Approximate funds
needed to close
Apply for a loan and get $500 towards Your next closing!
This is absolutely for Free, application Does Not affect your Credit score, and there are No Obligations!